This application shows very nice peek symmetry and separation of aromatic amines in a Engelhardt mixture.
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Amines is a group of compounds, which is not easy to separate. The Novel ASTRA® DM phase with a polar embeded group and polar selector enables the separation of different amines and organic compounds with an amino-functional group. Peaks show an excellent symmetry under shown conditions.
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The Beekeeping Research Institute produces Amitraz solution in concentration 125 mg/l, which is used as an insecticide. ARION® Plus C18 shows much less contamination by final product, which includes a heavy matrix (aromatic naphtha fraction). Even after many analyses the chromatogram shows a peak with a high symmetry/tailing factor (1.019).
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Astaxanthin is a lipid soluble pigment with а proven antioxidative properties. It is used as a nutritional supplement for human, in cosmetics and as a feed additive to impart coloration for salmon, crabs, shrimp and other aquatic organisms. A major source for the biotechnological production of astaxanthin is the green microalgae. The astaxanthin measurement is needed during the algae cultivation process as well as at astaxanthin extraction stage. A precise chromatographic method has been developed for astaxanthin quantification.
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The HPLC method with UV and FLD detection has been optimized for the evaluation of photochemical degradation kinetics of atorvastatin in aqueous solutions under light conditions relevant to natural waters. Knowledge of the relative proportion of atorvastatin and its degradation products in water solution is needed for the further study of a potential toxic effect of atorvastatin itself and of the mixture of products of atorvastatin photochemical degradation in a water environment.
This application note has been developed by the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, the group of synthesis of radiolabeled compounds. It shows separation of nucleosides, and nucleoside phosphates that are analysed in different applications, e.g. purine metabolism, biosynthesis, genetic code and clinical studies.
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The HPLC/UV method has been optimized for the degradation assessment of calcium channel blocker diltiazem. The photochemical degradation kinetics of this benzodiazepine structure is studied in aqueous solution.
Vitellogenins, glycolipophosphoproteins mostly known and well-characterized as precursors of yolk proteins, are involved in reproduction in the majority of oviparous animals. In insects, vitellogenins are typically synthesized in the fat body, from where they are transported via the haemolymph into growing oocytes. The honey bees are no exception: vitellogenin (mw about 200 kDa) is known to play crucial roles in bee reproduction, but its involvement appears to be multifunctional, since vitellogenin influences oxidative stress, nutrition, immunity, and honey bee longevity.
Flumetrin and fluvalinate are pyrethroid insecticides used to control mites in honeybee colonies. The treatment by these insecticides should be strictly controlled due to its toxic effects on health of honeybees. The described method
allows to determine flumetrin and fluvalinate in honey and related biological samples matrixes.
This application shows a selectivity comparison of different C18 phases on QC mixture. It compares the hydrophobicity parameter of ARION® and ASTRA® HPLC columns with selected columns from other manufacturers.
This application has been developed by ALGATECH, Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic. Chlorophylls and carotenoids are essential cofactors for the oxygenic photosynthesis. As the content and stoichiometries of individual pigments are significantly varying in plant leaves under different environmental conditions, the quantification of pigments is important for the understanding of plant physiology, but also for the food-quality monitoring.
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