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  • BEH = Bridged ethyl hybrid (HPLC particle)
  • DAC = dynamic axial compression
  • DAD = diod array detector
  • ECD = electron capture detector
  • EI = electron ionization
  • ELSD = evaporative light scattering detector
  • FIA = flow injection analysis
  • FID = flame ionization detector
  • FPD = flame photometric detector
  • FPP = fully porous particles
  • GC = gas chromatography
  • GCTQ = gas chromatographs with Triple Stage Quadrupole
  • GCxGC = multidimensional gas chromatography
  • GPC = gel permeation chromatography
  • HETP = height equivalent of theoretical plate
  • HID = helium ionization detector
  • HILIC = hydrophobic interaction liquid chromatography
  • HPLC = high performance liquid chromatography
  • HPTLC = high performance thin layer chromatography
  • IC = ion chromatography
  • IHPLC = intermediate high performance liquid chromatography
  • LVI = large volume injection
  • MCSGP = Multicolumn countercurrent solvent gradient purification
  • MEPS = Micro Extraction by Packed Sorbent
  • MLC = micellar liquid chromatography
  • MS = mass spectrometry
  • MSPE = Micro SPE
  • NP = normal phase
  • NQAD = Nano Quantity Analyte Detector
  • ODS = octa decyl silicagel
  • PDD = pulsed discharged detector
  • PFPD = pulsed flame photometric detector
  • PID = photo ionization detector
  • PTV = programmable temperature vapourizer
  • RI = refractive index
  • RP = reversed phase
  • RRLC = rapid resolution liquid chromatography
  • SBSE = Stirring Bar Sorbent Extraction
  • SEC = size exclusion chromatography
  • SFC = supercritical fluid chromatography
  • SIM = single ion monitoring
  • SMB = simulated moving bed
  • SPE = solid phase extraction
  • SPP = superficially porous particles (core-shell)
  • SPME = solid phase micro extraction
  • TCD = thermal conductivity detector
  • TIC = total ion current
  • TLC = thin layer chromatography
  • TOF = MS analyzer "Time of Flight"
  • UFLC = ultra fast liquid chromatography
  • UPLC = ultra performance liquid chromatography
  • UHPLC = ultra high pressure liquid chromatography, ultra high performance liquid chromatography
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