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YMC Phases for Biochromatography

YMC-BioLC catalogue has been updated. We hope that it will further support you in demonstrating the benefits of YMC-BioLC products.

The main updates are as follows:

Application chapter:

  • LC-MS compatibility of YMC Triart (FA vs. TFA) for intact mAbs and mAb fragments

  • new oligonucleotides applications – phosphorothioate oligonucleotides now with YMC-Accura Triart Bio C18, (non)denatured siRNA via IP-RP and AEX

  • intact AAV2 using IEX

  • denatured AAV2 and 5 using RP (YMC-Accura Triart Bio C18/C4)

RP chapter:

  • integration of YMC-Accura in addition to YMC-Triart Bio metal-free

  • update order information

IEX chapter:

  • update ordering information – reference to bioinert semi-prep option

YMC fáze pro Biochromatografii