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Overview - freezers

Overview - freezers
Parameter / Model ZLN75 ZLN145 ZLN180 ZLN125 ZLN200 ZLN300
air convection natural
chamber capacity1 [l] 85 160 196 127 200 299
door type solid / glass (option)
temperature range [°C] -25...0 -35...0
controller microprocessor with external display
interior plastic stainless steel
housing powder coated sheet powder coated sheet/ stainless steel (INOX)
overall dims [mm] width 560 600 600 580 680 680
height 850 1250 1455 1150 1320 1680
depth 610 650 650 720 720 720
internal dims [mm] width 410 450 450 400 500 500
height 630 970 1160 600 770 1150
depth 390 420 420 530 520 520
nominal power [W] 120 96 100 450 450 450
weight [kg] 34 48 55 90 120 185
temperature accuracy [°C] po 0,1
temperature fluctuation2 at -10°C [°C] ±0,4 ±0,6 ±0,7 ±1,0
voltage 50/60 Hz [V] 220-240 (50) 110-120/220-240
shelves fitted / max 2/2 4/4 5/5 2/3 2/4 3/6
warranty 24 měsíců

1 working capacity of chamber can be smaller; 2 fluctuation measured in centre of the chamber;