19. 08. 2024
Receipt of goods from carriers, inspection, storage. Issuing delivery notes to customers, preparing and packing shipments, transfers between warehouses within the company. Ensuring domestic and international transportation for import and export using web applications of carriers. Communication with customers, colleagues and suppliers in Czech or English.
Knowledge of e-mail and computer work is required for this position, everything is based on inputs and outputs from the K2 database system. Furthermore, diligence, reliability and the ability to organize one's work in a wider context. Willingness to work together and solve problems.
work with a database system, use the applications of the carriers FedEx, DHL, UPS, DPD...
Integration into a well-coordinated team that helps each other and appreciates teamwork.
Jakobiho 327, 109 00 Prague 10-Petrovice
English (basic knowledge)
M. Horová, 274021214, m.horova@chromservis.eu